My Bundle Of Fur Joy
Imagine living in a cage, being used to make money by delivering pups again and again to be sold for huge profits. Imagine fighting to eat anything, so you ingest the used paper that lines your cage. Imagine not even knowing the world around you exists, not knowing how to show affection, give a kiss, or even play. These are all the things our Willow has faced. She came to us a couple of years ago, a rescue from a puppy mill. Unsure of how she would react with our other dogs, we opened our home and gave her love and support, along with proper nourishment, vet visits, and regular grooming. Fast forward to now, this little beauty is happy and healthy, and while she still lacks the ability to show affection, she has learned she likes to be picked up and held. And we say she loves with her eyes - oh, those big, beautiful eyes! The joy she has provided us is immeasurable. We love her little spins, the wag of her tiny tail, and watching her amazement at the world around her. She loves to go outside and just look all around, discovering such wonders as butterflies, birds, fall leaves, and snow. She no longer fights for food but will make you dizzy as she spins around and around when you are about to hand out a treat. She now understands her cage is only a temporary necessity but is still not happy when she has to go into it. It is amazing to me how love and nurturing can provide so much joy for both of us. I encourage you, if you have the love in your heart and the opportunity, to find a little piece of fulfillment by rescuing your own little bundle of fur.

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